1 cave
it takes us back to the time when people lived in caves.
a large natural hole in the side of a cliff or hole, or under the ground.
2 sonorous
As always with Kipling, the language is sonorous and wonderful.
having a pleasantly deep loud sound.
3 befell
for this befell and behappened and became and was, O my best Beloved,
when the Tame animals were wild.
if something unpleasant or dangerous befalls you, it happens to you.
4 roast
That night, Best Beloved, they ate wild sheep roasted on the hot stones,and flavoured
with wild garlic and wild pepper.
to cook something,such as meat,in an oven or over a fire,or to cook in this way.
5 canoe
The Man had a canoe.
to travel by canoe.
6 smudge
All those little smudges on the sand between the Cave and the river are the marks of
the Woman's feet and the Man's feet.
a dirty mark.